hello lovelies!
thank you so much for visiting this blog. in case you hadn’t already gathered - i’m a gay, and i really enjoy baking.
baking is something that is so special to me. firstly, it’s a chance to leave the world behind and spend some time with myself. a time to focus on the physical, the here and now, and escape the worries and stresses of everyday life.
more importantly than this, though, its an opportunity to connect with friends, family, loved ones, over a loaf of bread, a slice of cake, a warm and tasty pie… whether the bake comes out a masterpiece or looks a bit more on the ‘rustic’ side, nothing helps to bring people together like a love of good food.
now, i’m not a professional baker by any means. i don’t have all the right equipment, i’ve not had any culinary training, and there are still many recipes that are new to me. but i’m excited to try out recipes, document the process, see what works and what doesn’t, and hopefully provide some useful insights into the alchemy that is baking,
you can find my instagram link at the bottom of the page for more baking updates.